Monday, April 16, 2012

Remember ASta

I should clearly remember to use stuff I have bought before buying something new! As I am already thinking about millions of new projects before even I have touched any of the old ones.
My sewing machine was a little bit sick, so I have cleaned it and oiled and now it is sewing as a dream. So no matter what it is time to use what i have and try it again and again. 
Sewing machine has got some additional accessories, what are going help me a lot. One of them is a slim feet for sewing zipper, but not only it. i will see what I can use it for.  
Now some of the recent projects (most of them are for my baby of course):
1. one more summer duvet for my voksipose
Summer duvet

Accessories bag

Spisesmæk: one travel version, another one for everyday at home


Saturday, April 7, 2012


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