Thursday, January 5, 2012

looking around and see so many knitted things... and feeling a bit sad

Yesterday I was out for a course with 10 nice ladies. I looked around and found out, that all of them have nice knitted things.I begun to feel confused, as i am knitting as well, but it looks like I do not wear what I have, as I had not a single smallest thing with me, what was home made... Need to do something about it... more knitting!!!
It is what I am working on at the moment.

Garn from , Drops Baby Alpaca Silke
I am close to 3/8 of what it supposed to be... it is still quite some to do, until it is done :-)

knitting with no.4 knitting needles.
I decided not to write a million of posts about the same project, but update the same, so it would be all collected in the same place. Maybe I am going to change my mind at some point, but now it is going to be like this.

I am already close to 4/8 of this baby blanket. Pictures follow.


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